On The Other Side with Jamie Ivey and Aaron Ivey

On The Other Side of Losing Someone with Jonathan and Alena Pitts

Episode Summary

Today’s guests for On The Other Side are father-daughter duo, Jonathan and Alena Pitts. Jonathan is an author, speaker and the executive pastor at Church of the City in Franklin, Tennessee. Alena is a 16-year-old author, vocalist and actress, making her debut in the movie War Room. In this episode, we talk about being on the other side of losing someone. GET ALL THE LINKS TO THE SHOW HERE.

Episode Notes

Today’s guests for On The Other Side are father-daughter duo, Jonathan and Alena Pitts. Jonathan is an author, speaker and the executive pastor at Church of the City in Franklin, Tennessee. Alena is a 16-year-old author, vocalist and actress, making her debut in the movie War Room. In this episode, we talk about being on the other side of losing someone.