On The Other Side with Jamie Ivey and Aaron Ivey

On The Other Side of Coming Out with Zach Verrett

Episode Summary

Our guest for On The Other Side #11 is a very dear friend of the Ivey crew, Zach Verrett. Aaron met Zach a year and a half ago when he came on staff at The Austin Stone, and they immediately became friends. Zach ended up sharing his whole story of how he grew up, when he met Jesus, and how hard it was to tell someone for the first time that he experiences same sex attraction. This is Zach’s story of being on the other side of coming out. GET ALL THE LINKS TO THE SHOW HERE

Episode Notes

Our guest for On The Other Side #11 is a very dear friend of the Ivey crew, Zach Verrett. Aaron met Zach a year and a half ago when he came on staff at The Austin Stone, and they immediately became friends. Zach ended up sharing his whole story of how he grew up, when he met Jesus, and how hard it was to tell someone for the first time that he experiences same sex attraction. This is Zach’s story of being on the other side of coming out.